What is the Average Salary of a Prosthodontist in the UK?

A prosthodontist in the United Kingdom typically earns around £209,000 a year. This figure can range from £102,000 to £326,000 depending on experience and location. The national average salary for a prosthodontist is £30,792.Salaries can vary greatly depending on where you live, with prosthodontists in Dorchester earning an average of £96,031 per year. These figures are based on 6,013 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Prosthodontist employees.

The average hourly rate for a prosthodontist is £46 per hour. Prosthodontists are highly skilled professionals who specialize in the restoration and replacement of teeth. They use a variety of techniques to create natural-looking and functional teeth replacements. Prosthodontists also work with other dental professionals to create comprehensive treatment plans for their patients.

If you're considering a career as a prosthodontist, it's important to understand the salary range and potential job opportunities available in the UK. With the right qualifications and experience, you could be earning a competitive salary in this field.