Types of Dental Prosthesis: A Comprehensive Guide

Dental prosthesis are a great way to restore your smile and confidence. There are two main types of dental prosthesis: full and partial dentures. Full dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth are left. Partial dentures are held in place by a pink base attached to a piece of metal.

Custom dentures are made from more expensive teeth, resulting in a more natural looking smile. With dentures supported by implants, a dental implant is used to securely hold the prosthesis. What makes them unique are the locator accessories embedded in the tissue side of the denture.Fixed and removable dental prostheses are options that meet different needs depending on the oral conditions of each patient. Fixed dentures are supported by dental implants and considered permanent, while removable dentures must be removed every night to rinse and wash them with special products.

Complete dentures, or complete dentures, consist of upper and lower sets and are removable devices that can be used to replace missing teeth. Denture adhesive can also help secure the denture and prevent food particles from causing discomfort.Temporary dentures, also called immediate prostheses, are dentures that can be placed immediately after the teeth have been extracted. They can help facilitate the use of dentures in your mouth or if you have previously had problems with sensitive teeth or gums. Flexible dentures are a type of partial denture, but are made of different materials from common partial dentures.

Most flexible dentures are made of a thin thermoplastic, such as nylon, compared to the thicker, stiffer acrylic used in full dentures.A fixed bridge is used to replace missing teeth by surgically cementing an artificial tooth, known as a crown, with the remaining natural teeth on each side. A cantilever bridge is recommended when a molar is missing and there are no teeth on one of its sides to support it. Dental implants mimic tooth roots and are surgically placed in the bone and fused with it over time to achieve a natural fit. Snap-on dentures are securely placed in place with the help of anchors in existing teeth or dental implants.When a patient is missing some teeth, a Davie dentist can replace them with a partial dental prosthesis.

A removable partial prosthesis consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink base, which is connected to a metal structure that holds the denture in place. Custom dentures are specifically designed to fit your smile and preferences and cost more than removable dentures.With proper care and maintenance, complete dentures can last between 5 and 10 years. Temporary dentures will allow your mouth to heal without the need to make any major lifestyle changes. Flexible dental prostheses don't use any metal parts, so they tend to look and feel much more natural.

Snap-in dentures provide a lot of support for a solid base, allowing the denture to stay securely in place.Fixed bridges tend to cost more than removable dentures. Dental implants also look natural and will also last a long time. You may find that flexible partial dentures are more comfortable than other removable partial dentures, especially if you're still new to using replacement teeth.